Page Paid Impressions

What is Page Paid Impressions:

Page Paid Impressions is a metric representing how many impressions a paid campaign for an eCommerce brand’s page received. An impression means that content was delivered to someone’s feed. A viewer doesn’t have to engage with the post in order for it to count as an impression.

Paid Impressions are separate from unpaid distribution, also known as Organic Impressions.

The data for this metric can be discovered in social media advertising tools such as Facebook Ads.

How to calculate Page Paid Impressions:

Page Paid Impressions is calculating the total number of times any content from about your Page entered a user’s screen through paid distribution advertisements.

It is important to note that a user may see multiple impressions of the same post, counting towards the total.


- If your team uses Facebook Ads here are detailed setup instructions for paid advertisements.

- In Yaguara Page Paid Impression can be tracked when creating a Key Result:

Why Page Paid Impressions is Important:

To be clear Organic Impressions are still critical, but introducing the entire brand page to targeted audiences can speed up acquisition efforts.

In the brand discovery stage of the eCommerce marketing funnel, the focus of all your marketing efforts is on generating awareness and stimulating the realization of a want of your brand in the targeted market. Page Paid Impressions, when monitored correctly, as a quick, data-driven way to succeed on this front.

How to improve Page Paid Impressions:

Work on lowering your CPM

Focusing on improving cost per of 1,000 advertisement impressions (CPM) has a direct correlation to how many Paid Page Impressions you’ll receive with your budget.

Channel your inner Don Draper

Rolling out your standard imagery and copy is not ideal, remember most of the impressions have not heard of your brand. This is a chance to advertise an appealing version of your brand for first-time viewers.

Reintroducing yourself

Improve your ‘Frequency’ metric, which is the average number of times each person saw your ad. The second impression is often the converting one.

Trusted Advice on Page Paid Impressions:

Reach vs Impressions: What’s the Difference in Terms? via Sprout Social

How to Use Facebook for Business: 25 Facebook Marketing Tips and Tricks via Hubspot