Blog Content Revenue

What is Blog Content Revenue:

Blog Content Revenue is a metric that tracks an eCommerce team’s content marketing efforts and how that correlates to sales.

The data for this metric can be found in site-tracking tools such as Google Analytics, or in some eCommerce platforms such as Shopify.

Blog Content Revenue can also be tracked in performance blogging tools such as Matcha.

How to calculate Blog Content Revenue:

The formula for calculating Blog Content Revenue is done by track your top-performing articles that can be mapped to a product purchase. This can be done by calculating the percentage of total sales that come from your blog compared to other sections on your site.


- In Yaguara Blog Content Revenue can be created as a Key Result.

Why Blog Content Revenue is Important:

Running a first-class eCommerce company requires you to generate a lot of one thing: traffic. The more traffic you drive the more potential customers you create.

Great content leads to great eCommerce performance, and then there is the added qualitative bonus of continued trust with your brand. Investing in this strategy not only gives you a leg up on the competition, but it also is significantly cheaper than other traffic-driving strategies.

How to improve Blog Content Revenue:

Get the right tools

Moving closer to a data-driven approach around content marketing causes some teams to fear they will be spending hours digging through spreadsheets and analyzing data. Luckily there are tools out there built to do all the dirty work for you, our favorite being the team over at Matcha.

Subtly promote products in content

Your blog posts shouldn’t only be about posts relevant to your products. Try to find that healthy balance and accompany them with other posts that your audience finds useful.

Monitor metrics

Track. Track. And then track some more. Segment your audiences and learn what is working. Also take time to divide up your metrics for efficiency, engagement, and revenue purposes.

Come up with traffic driving article ideas

Use a keyword research tool (SEMrush, Moz, etc.) to look up keywords your target audience is using online on relevant topics and questions.Then execute on the ones that have less competition and create long-form blog posts centered around them.