What are OKRs?

Yaguara has several unique parts that contribute to it being a company-wide platform, whether it's the suite of integrations, visualization capability, or the machine-learning insights. But at the core of Yaguara’s platform is a system that every team interacts with to some degree: Objectives and Key Results

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are an organizational goal-setting framework popularized. Its purpose is to take all the hard work you have spent identifying the company strategies and then allowing the team to absorb the information in a straight-forward way. Thus giving clear direction, empowering everyone to work towards the big picture in harmony. OKRs help individuals across all levels work around shared common objectives.

An explanation of the system made popular by John Doerr is made into one simple formula:

I will (Objective) as measured by (this set of Key Results).

In the Yaguara platform your team will work with both components:

Objectives - The highest-ranking component, acting as a parent to all the other pieces. This is where you set the most important initiatives to unite the teams. They should be qualitative, aspirational, and memorable. Whether it be the master plan or a quarterly goal, Objectives will be the guiding light for your company’s growth.

Example Objectives
Grow Core eCommerce Business
Increase Community Engagement
Launch a New Product this Quarter
Double Sales This Year
Increase our Existing Customer Value

Key Results - How your teams track performance and measure results for a greater Objective. The combination of Key Results will determine how close or how far away you are to completing your Objective. They should be quantitative, value-based, and operating within a certain timeframe. Key Results are where you can integrate the data from your favorite tools to see progress in real-time.

Example Key Results
Establish a Cost Per Click $5 or less across search campaigns
Get 20,000+ new page visits with blog series
Add 2,000 new subscribers to company newsletter
Decrease Shopping Cart Abandonment rate by 50%
Post 10 times a week on all social media platforms

Running count of current companies utilizing OKRs:
Google, Intel, Spotify, Slack, Walmart, Target, Salesforce.com, The Guardian, LinkedIn, Netflix, Twitter, Airbnb, Dropbox, ING Bank, Deloitte, General Electric, Zendesk, Gap, Vox Media, Asana, Eventbrite, GoPro, Facebook, Adobe

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